
Thursday, December 15, 2011

A New Travel Companion

When we drove to Indiana for Thanksgiving, Dac and I "discovered" audible books. I had never tried one out before, but it sounded like something we would both enjoy and that would make the (at least) 8-hour trip fly by. We bought "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie," which Katie had recommended, and loved it! It was a really fun mystery that kept us on the edge of our (car) seats the whole way. We especially loved the British accent of the narrator (whose name happened to be Jayne)! I'm reading the second book now and am digging it as well. Quick and fun!

via Amazon

So now, since we're making the trip for Christmas this weekend, we got a little smarter and got an account at  (for just $7.49 a month and one book is free!) to buy our next audible book. We've both been wanting to read The Hunger Games before seeing the movie, so the choice was easy. It's loaded on my iPod and ready to go... and we don't have to mess with all of those CD's! (Note: This particular book would have been $24 to download on iTunes..)

My mom also gave me and Dac the gift of "Car-i-oke" as an early Christmas present. She wanted us to be able to carol all the way home to Indiana this weekend, and "Jingle All the Way" we will be!

via Amazon

Between the Hunger Games, Christmas Car-i-oke'ing and snacks, our Christmas travels will be anything but boring. Safe travels to all!

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