
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Have My Cake and Eat it Too

When Henry and I devised our budget a couple of years ago, we included "monthly money" for each of us to spend on whatever we want, but includes things like clothes and "non-necessary toiletries" (our budget discussions can get a little intense).  We get to use this money unless there's a holiday or vacation or something going on, in which case the money is put towards that.  This may sound ridiculous to some, but it's really a method to curb my spending/keep it under control....

As of right now, I'm thinking my January money (and part of February's), will be put towards this: (instead of the new work clothes I could really use - priorities!)

Kate Spade

I love the style, and the message!  I know these cakes have been floating all over the interwebs, but I can't wait to make one, so I had to post a few pics of my favorites:




Wouldn't you like to eat one of those beautiful cakes for breakfast?

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