
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Color Me Coral

Let me of course start by saying HOOOOORAY for Baby Wendel!!!!! I'm way beyond pumped for this baby to get here. SO very happy for Katie and Henry - I've been dying for her to share the news on here... one big reason obviously being so I can start posting about all of the things I want to buy for "lil homey!" (Don't be surprised if you see as many posts - maybe more - from me about Katie's baby as you do from her.)

Speaking of buying things, I bought this nail polish last week:
It's Essie's "meet me at sunset," and I'm obsessed with the color. But who knew that I had psychic powers and that really I was purchasing what would be the best color at the Oscars, via the beautiful Michelle Williams?

The picture of the polish looks a little more orangey than it really is. In real life (at least the bottle I bought) it's got more red in it and pretty much perfectly matches the dress. This coral-y dress is absolute perfection to me. If I got to go to the Oscars, this is what I would want to wear. Of course the bow detail is my favorite part, but the ruching and the peplum make it just the best thing I've ever seen. And it's such a happy color that looks great with her skin. Best dressed blue ribbon, for sure. 

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