
Friday, February 17, 2012

IHWSH - Games

Scrabble anyone? Our idea of a good time - whether we're with family or friends - usually involves some type of board game. It's always been something our family loves to do together. When we were little it was non-stop Yahtzee, Clue, Monopoly, Uno, Life... you name it. Here are some games at the top of our list these days, for this week's "I'll Have What She's Having":

Katie's Picks:
1. Bananagrams
2. Wits & Wagers
3. Apples to Apples
4. Balderdash

Jayne's Picks:
5. Glee Cranium (ok I've never played the Glee version... but I want it!!)
6. Scattegories
7. Boggle
8. Sequence

Any game night favorites we need to try?

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