
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Photos of Baby

Let's go ahead and file this under: "Great Intentions with Unlikely Follow-Through."  I would really like to do weekly or at least monthly photos to document the first year of Lil Homey's life, but I'm afraid it will always go to the bottom of the to-do list, and once you miss the month, it's gone.  Maybe Henry can keep us on track to do it all year...look at these cute ideas I found on the internet:

I can't find a legit source for this, sorry.

Spelling it Out
White Board Baby
"Calendar Girl" - sorry for the blur
Laundry Baby
Adventure Baby
I love the last one the very best - creating little scenes with the baby seems so fun!  But realistically, I'm probably going to want something quick and easy...I love the "Calendar Girl" idea too.  And using the photos to make little calendars or books for loved ones at the end of her first year would be easy and awesome!  Anyone else have ideas for weekly or monthly baby photos?


  1. I showed you some blog love at


  2. My mum bought me a size 0 onesie before my son was born. I took a photo of him in it every month lying or sitting on the lounge with my great grandmother's blanket until he was 1. At the beginning it was enormous, by the end it hardly did up...

  3. the first pictures are from mila's daydreams blog :)
    her mum is one creative woman..loves her works
