
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Goodbye, Home Office

Let me start off by saying I named this post Office Space, and then saw Katie had already used that one on here. We really are a couple of weirdos/the same person. Ok anyway...

I am happy to announce that I will soon begin a new job/adventure here in KC! For many, many reasons I am extremely excited about the opportunity... one of them being - since I've been working remotely after leaving Dallas - to get out of my PJs and into some cute clothes. I also know it will open many (creative) doors for me and bring boatloads of new experiences. I've always been one to welcome change. At the same time, it's definitely bittersweet because it means leaving behind the place I've spent the past 6 years. Really crazy to look back on all of the ways I've grown and changed and all that's happened because of working there (including meeting and marrying my husband), and I will miss it—and all the peeps that came with it.

As a tribute to my new job and the little home office I will be leaving behind... some pretty office spaces for your viewing pleasure:

1  /  2  /  3  /  4  /  5

Now to start thinking about how I can make my new office AWAY from home as cozy as Katie's "Office Space"...

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