
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

If you've never run a 5k...

And I wouldn't have said this before this past weekend, but... you're missing out. I've never understood the hype, but I just ran my first one and it was pretty fun to beat a bunch of other people and get a free t-shirt.

Plus, I look pretty legit, right?

It's probably the neon pink shirt I decided to wear. This was at the very beginning. Dac is next to me in this pic, but right about that moment he took off and left me in the dust (understandably so).

I do have to take a moment to brag though, that I ran it in under 30 minutes (exactly 1 second under). That's probably not impressive to most people, but I didn't even run a full three miles in the one week I spent trying to prepare. Wouldn't exactly say I'm a runner.

My work was a sponsor for the event, so Dac and I weren't the only crazies I know getting up at 5:30am on a Saturday to run. That was the other great thing I discovered about 5k's. Not only was my team cheering each other on, but random people cheer you on throughout. They'll yell things like "yeah, you go #144!" You feel pretty special. I put my arms up in victory as I crossed the finish line. No joke.

We missed the Color Run in KC, which I'm bummed about... but I'm sure we'll be signing up for another one soon. I want to do one at night (do they do those?) so I can sing "Run this town tonight" while I'm running. 

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