
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day By Day

I have tried to write journals many times.  I usually last a week or two and then I am left with a very pretty, mostly empty notebook.  I think I have finally found a solution to my lack of journal motivation:

Mom's One Line A Day

One Line A Day Journal

I was even skeptical of these One-Line-A-Day journals, but I have successfully kept up with the Mom's journal since Nora was born (more than a month, I'm very proud of myself)!  I don't always write on the correct day, but I am able to keep up every few days.  I love that it's a limited amount of space so I just have to get to the point and I don't feel obligated to write extra stuff.  They have a "Mom's" version and a pretty blue one for moms or non-moms.  I think it will be really fun to read back through five year's worth of days, and I hope Nora will love to read back through her Mama's crazy notes in 20 or 30 years.  Here's hoping I stick with it!

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