
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Gee Whiz, What a Building

My office building is up for an award, so I thought it was a good excuse to brag about the fact that I work at a place called the "Gee Whiz Factory." Totally why I applied there in the first place.

Anyway, yes Trozzolo is up for an award - People's Choice award in the American Institute of Architects Kansas City Design Excellence Awards. Being up for an award is not a new thing for our company or our cool building (again, just taking this opportunity to brag), but would appreciate if you would vote for us nonetheless. :) Visit: 

Speaking of work, I've been jamming out to a lot of Pandora at the office. My station rotation lately has been Mumford & Sons, The Head & the Heart, and The Lumineers. Ok, and the occasional Taylor Swift. I'm sure you've all heard The Lumineers' song "Ho Hey." It's pretty great. Another one of theirs I just heard for the first time that I love:

Will try to have a few house update pics for you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Jayne - I also recommend adding The Decemberists and the Avett Brothers to your Pandora station. I listen to the same folky feeling station and it is a nice working companion.
