
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My American Life

I realize that I am waaaaaaaaaaaaay late to join this party, but I have recently become addicted to listening to "This American Life" on NPR.  I love Ira Glass and all of the interesting stories on the show.  I downloaded an app on my phone so I listen to them on my headphones while I'm working out (I'm trying the Couch to 5K workout again...) or doing dishes.  I think I've listened to 5 in the past 5 days.

If you've got 12 minutes, check out Act 3 of this recent episode on deception.  It's just David Sedaris reading an excerpt from one of my favorite books ever, "Me Talk Pretty One Day."  The book is truly hilarious.  Probably time for me to re-read it again.

Speaking of this American life, here are some recent scenes from mine (at least the fun parts - you will note that there are no pictures of me at work):

Big bear photo bomb.  We all love her flower chair from Grhonda and Grandbob.

She was really working the tutu last week at our friend Amy's house.

I super love our new wreath - on sale now at Target!

My funny Valentine.

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