
Monday, October 10, 2011

Farmer's Market Fun

I’ve been spending a lot of time at the City Market in Kansas City – it’s this awesome farmer’s market that happens to be just a few blocks from our apartment. Their tagline is "where the locals go" - a perfect place for us to get to know KC.

It is so much more fun, and healthy (or feels that way at least), to purchase produce in this environment, directly from local farmers. We’ve also purchased flowers, local honey, bread and other delicious goodies. The food isn’t the only thing that gets us there at least every weekend. The real draw is the festive atmosphere – the diverse crowd, the local musicians, and just the general happy vibe of both the sellers and the shoppers… I also love how pretty all of the fresh food looks displayed. I think a lot of it has to do with these crates you will see at most stands:

(pretty photo found by Sara Lewis photography)

Want to add some farmer’s market feel to your kitchen?
Check out these farmer’s market-inspired kitchen accessories from Anthropologie. I have the egg crate and the small basket. Of course, Katie has the egg crate too and was the one who sold me on the idea of splurging on them in the first place, saying it “made her happy every time she opened her refrigerator”. It truly does... what a great place to keep your "pre-birds"or "future birds" (to quote Tom from Parks and Rec - see video below). And when there's not food in them, they also look great just sitting out on the counter as a pretty accessory. 

Do you have any fun farmer's market stories or inspirations?

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